Saturday, May 28, 2005


Downtown, there's a stable shop that has a statue of a horse outside of it. Eliana loves this horse. We spend lots of time paying attention to it every time we pass by - we pet the legs and talk to it. Yesterday I lifted Eliana up so she could pet its muzzle to say goodbye, but instead of petting it, she put her finger in the slightly discolored nostril and said, "Horsie have boogers in nose."

Mommies learn something new every day. Yesterday I learned that after twelve comes firteen, and after that comes firteen, firteen, and firteen. So now Elly counts to sixteen... except it goes something like this... "One, two, fwee, fowa, five, six, teven, eight, nine, ten! Ledden, twed, firteen, firteen, firteen, firteen!"

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