Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Bye-bye, night dipes

Since Elly wakes up dry the vast majority of the time, we let her sleep in padded undies last night, and the first thing I heard out of her this morning was, "I need help!" at which point I went in her room and found her with her pants around her ankles having used her blue potty upon waking. *sniff* My big girl. The night before that she woke us up at 4am to get her diaper back on after pottying in the middle of the night.


On that note, Kes now refuses to use the baby bjorn little potty and only pees using a potty insert on the toilet. I can put her on the little potty with no luck, take her straight to the toilet and she lets it all out. (And is pottying like a champ on it - yesterday we had no wet dipes while at home, and so far today too.) But oh my, for an eight month old, she sure has discerning taste about where she does her business.

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