Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Elly talk

"Mama, there are lots of customers in the store today."

Today I was wearing my "Mamaleh" shirt which is written in a font that is supposed to look like Hebrew. Elly started counting the letters, saying, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7! Seven gimmels!" I was floored. Then when we got to preschool Elly walked over to the alphabet poster and said, "Mama, look at all the gimmels!"

So when I talked to teacher Mel, I said, "Is gimmel the letter of the week?" and she said, "We don't have a letter of the week this week."

She must've just learned it from the Chanukah book about playing dreidel! Neat that she recognizes Hebrew - even Hebraicized Latin letters - and funny that she calls it all gimmel.

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