I know what I forgot to say.
Kes nursed for the last time on her 16 month birthday.
It took me quite a while to get over it, especially because I didn't see it coming and was convinced it was a strike for a few days. Then I felt like it was a strike turned into weaning and that made me sad. But then I figured out that there had been subtle warning signs that I had missed. She had stopped asking and was only nursing when I offered (at naptime and bedtime, the times that she had previously been asking). Her latch had gotten sloppy (slightly uncomfortable for me). Scott said he suspects she figured out that Elly doesn't nurse, and she wanted to be like big sister (as in everything else). So once I felt that it had been an organic process, I was able to grieve and find closure. I still would have preferred she hadn't quit so early or so fast, but I am very happy that I nursed her as long as she wanted to nurse, and that she made the decision for herself to wean when she wanted to.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Kessa language update
Words Kessa has learned directly from Elly and says with Eliana's inflection, to a tee...
"BOP!" (stop)
and, my (least) favorite...
Other Kessa language (as of today... 17 months and 6 days old)
Please (peeeeeez)
Thank you (tatoo - without prompting)
Excuse me (moomee)
Sorry (reeree - no prompting, and goes up and hugs and kisses Elly)
Tree (tlee)
Nine (every number and some letters are nine)
Sister (tihter)
Grandma (Mammaw)
Grandpa (Bappaw or Gampaw)
Bird (Burr)
Horsie (Ohsee)
Dog (gog)
Kitty (Dittee)
Meow (Wow or Mow)
Piggy (giggy)
Clap (cla)
potty (pahpah)
Dora (Rora)
Rosie (Reeree - our Roomba)
Vacuum (ackoo)
slide (tlie)
eat (eat, ate, or aite)
Book (booh)
Dolly (dahdy)
Toes (toetoe)
Cheerios (reeree)
Chips (tih)
Yogurt (yoguh)
Drink (dink)
Bagel (baybuh)
Spoon (poo or spoo)
Shoe (weewee for shoeys)
Dance (da)
Egg (ayyg)
Attack (ta!"
Bear (bayboo)
Apple (ackuh)
Banana (bana or nana)
Orange (Orah)
Belly button (buhbuh)
Nose (no)
Head (at)
Belly (buh)
Bed (beh)
Puppy (puhpuh)
red (reh)
read (ree)
cracker (krakra)
cheese (tlee)
water (wahwah)
soymilk (tomih)
cup (cuh)
help (hep or elp)
video (wowow)
music (moomee)
draw (dah)
marker (ahker)
chair (tay)
vroom (voom)
our (ah)
turn (tur)
cuddle (cuhcuh)
lion (nienun)
monkey (unky)
elephant (dehduh)
zebra (beebuh)
camera (cackuh or dadduh)
ice cream (ackee)
chocolate (ockit or ocky)
type (tahtah)
string cheese (eentee)
pizza (peebuh)
pasta (pahbuh)
macaroni (roree)
blueberries (boobee)
strawberries (awbee)
Jamba Juice (dahdah)
Pirate's Booty (boobee)
Blue's Clues (bootoo)
rock, rock (rahrah)
shower (wowuh)
bath (ba)
ball (bah)
hand (an)
bib (beebee)
baby (baby, buhbuh, or beebee)
Uncle Brian (Unbiebie)
Aunt Katie (Kakie)
splash (da!!!)
blankie (ankie)
carrot (cacah)
Shabbat (abbah, abbah!)
candles (dadduh)
Challah (cackuh)
light (lielie)
off (ock)
did it
brush teeth (teetee or tuhtee)
brush (buh)
telephone (tehtone)
open (ope)
down (dow)
outside (outie)
square (tay)
circle (tirtuh)
"BOP!" (stop)
and, my (least) favorite...
Other Kessa language (as of today... 17 months and 6 days old)
Please (peeeeeez)
Thank you (tatoo - without prompting)
Excuse me (moomee)
Sorry (reeree - no prompting, and goes up and hugs and kisses Elly)
Tree (tlee)
Nine (every number and some letters are nine)
Sister (tihter)
Grandma (Mammaw)
Grandpa (Bappaw or Gampaw)
Bird (Burr)
Horsie (Ohsee)
Dog (gog)
Kitty (Dittee)
Meow (Wow or Mow)
Piggy (giggy)
Clap (cla)
potty (pahpah)
Dora (Rora)
Rosie (Reeree - our Roomba)
Vacuum (ackoo)
slide (tlie)
eat (eat, ate, or aite)
Book (booh)
Dolly (dahdy)
Toes (toetoe)
Cheerios (reeree)
Chips (tih)
Yogurt (yoguh)
Drink (dink)
Bagel (baybuh)
Spoon (poo or spoo)
Shoe (weewee for shoeys)
Dance (da)
Egg (ayyg)
Attack (ta!"
Bear (bayboo)
Apple (ackuh)
Banana (bana or nana)
Orange (Orah)
Belly button (buhbuh)
Nose (no)
Head (at)
Belly (buh)
Bed (beh)
Puppy (puhpuh)
red (reh)
read (ree)
cracker (krakra)
cheese (tlee)
water (wahwah)
soymilk (tomih)
cup (cuh)
help (hep or elp)
video (wowow)
music (moomee)
draw (dah)
marker (ahker)
chair (tay)
vroom (voom)
our (ah)
turn (tur)
cuddle (cuhcuh)
lion (nienun)
monkey (unky)
elephant (dehduh)
zebra (beebuh)
camera (cackuh or dadduh)
ice cream (ackee)
chocolate (ockit or ocky)
type (tahtah)
string cheese (eentee)
pizza (peebuh)
pasta (pahbuh)
macaroni (roree)
blueberries (boobee)
strawberries (awbee)
Jamba Juice (dahdah)
Pirate's Booty (boobee)
Blue's Clues (bootoo)
rock, rock (rahrah)
shower (wowuh)
bath (ba)
ball (bah)
hand (an)
bib (beebee)
baby (baby, buhbuh, or beebee)
Uncle Brian (Unbiebie)
Aunt Katie (Kakie)
splash (da!!!)
blankie (ankie)
carrot (cacah)
Shabbat (abbah, abbah!)
candles (dadduh)
Challah (cackuh)
light (lielie)
off (ock)
did it
brush teeth (teetee or tuhtee)
brush (buh)
telephone (tehtone)
open (ope)
down (dow)
outside (outie)
square (tay)
circle (tirtuh)
Elly quotables
Elly, puffing out her chest and holding the bottom of her ribcage:
"Look, I have breastes!" Puffing out and drawing in her ribcage - "Now I do, now I don't, now I do, now I don't."
"I'm wiping up the oval, because it's very ovally."
"Excuse me, Mommy!" (pause) "I know how to scuse me, but I don't know how to pardon me!"
"Pardon me, Mommy... I learned how to pardon me!"
"There's Daddy! I very love him." (Very is still pronounced "berry")
11/4 - a new phase of dropping the -ee sound
"Mommy, can I use the squeege?"
"Did we already say the ha-motz?"
"Mama, does this restaurant have macarone for me to eat?"
Wearing her blinky shoes, jumped up and down. "Mommy, they BLUNK!!!"
"Look! A squirrel!" (pause) "Squirrel, mooooove!!!" (pause) "He's not moving. I think he's dead."
Cuddling in bed in the morning, playing with my ring, I explained to her that's the ring Daddy gave me when he asked me to marry him.
Elly: "Was I at your wedding?"
Me: "No, honey, you weren't born yet. We got married first and then you were born later."
Elly: "But I went to Uncle Brian and Aunt Katie's wedding. When I grow up, can I still go to weddings?"
Me: "Yes. When you grow up, you can even have your own wedding. You will find a very special man and marry him."
Elly: "But I already have a special man. Daddy!"
Me: "Yes, but Daddy is already married."
Elly: "Oh. Well, Uncle Mike's a special man too."
Me: "Yes, but Uncle Mike is already married too, he's married to Aunt Cathy."
Elly: "Oh. But how do I know a special man?"
Me: "Your special man is still a little boy, but you will grow up and he will grow up and then you will meet him and find out he is special."
Elly: "Mommy, then I will grow up first."
Cuddling in bed in the morning, Elly grabs both me and Scott around the neck. "But Mommy, I'm already married! I'm married to you and Daddy!!!"
Scott was putting the kids in the car in the morning, and as usual, Elly was dilly-dallying in the front yard. I go out and find her on the front sidewalk.
Me: "Elly, it's time to get in the car."
Elly: "But Mommy, I'm looking at the sleeping mouse!"
(oh, no)
Me: "Ohhh, Elly... Didja touch it???"
Elly: (gleefully) "I DID!!!"
(as we go in the house to wash her hands...)
"But why do I have to wash my hands? But why do mouses have germs? But why was the mouse sleeping?"
Elly, puffing out her chest and holding the bottom of her ribcage:
"Look, I have breastes!" Puffing out and drawing in her ribcage - "Now I do, now I don't, now I do, now I don't."
"I'm wiping up the oval, because it's very ovally."
"Excuse me, Mommy!" (pause) "I know how to scuse me, but I don't know how to pardon me!"
"Pardon me, Mommy... I learned how to pardon me!"
"There's Daddy! I very love him." (Very is still pronounced "berry")
11/4 - a new phase of dropping the -ee sound
"Mommy, can I use the squeege?"
"Did we already say the ha-motz?"
"Mama, does this restaurant have macarone for me to eat?"
Wearing her blinky shoes, jumped up and down. "Mommy, they BLUNK!!!"
"Look! A squirrel!" (pause) "Squirrel, mooooove!!!" (pause) "He's not moving. I think he's dead."
Cuddling in bed in the morning, playing with my ring, I explained to her that's the ring Daddy gave me when he asked me to marry him.
Elly: "Was I at your wedding?"
Me: "No, honey, you weren't born yet. We got married first and then you were born later."
Elly: "But I went to Uncle Brian and Aunt Katie's wedding. When I grow up, can I still go to weddings?"
Me: "Yes. When you grow up, you can even have your own wedding. You will find a very special man and marry him."
Elly: "But I already have a special man. Daddy!"
Me: "Yes, but Daddy is already married."
Elly: "Oh. Well, Uncle Mike's a special man too."
Me: "Yes, but Uncle Mike is already married too, he's married to Aunt Cathy."
Elly: "Oh. But how do I know a special man?"
Me: "Your special man is still a little boy, but you will grow up and he will grow up and then you will meet him and find out he is special."
Elly: "Mommy, then I will grow up first."
Cuddling in bed in the morning, Elly grabs both me and Scott around the neck. "But Mommy, I'm already married! I'm married to you and Daddy!!!"
Scott was putting the kids in the car in the morning, and as usual, Elly was dilly-dallying in the front yard. I go out and find her on the front sidewalk.
Me: "Elly, it's time to get in the car."
Elly: "But Mommy, I'm looking at the sleeping mouse!"
(oh, no)
Me: "Ohhh, Elly... Didja touch it???"
Elly: (gleefully) "I DID!!!"
(as we go in the house to wash her hands...)
"But why do I have to wash my hands? But why do mouses have germs? But why was the mouse sleeping?"
3 months worth of catch-up
I can't believe I haven't posted in 3 months.
I've been so busy with work - preparing to (student) teach my first Lamaze class in 11 short days, and to take the test in April. And busy with the kids, who are blossoming.
Eliana just started her second session of swimming - now in the big kid class. She got so confident and capable in the previous class with Daddy, now she is way ahead of all the other kids. It is a far cry from the last time we tried the big kid class, when she did nothing but screamy crying the whole time til we gave in and got her out. I am so glad we put her in the baby class.
She's still in gymnastics, just one day a week now. Loves it and is just awesome at it. She runs circles around the other kids, if I do say so myself. She is the only one who can do seat-drops back up to standing on the trampoline, and one of two who can do a handstand with her feet up on the wall (and the other one is an older boy). She is fearless and loves going over the "high" bar and doing somersaults on the balance beam (not the real one but not the one on the ground, either... it's a few feet off the ground - of course the teacher is spotting the kids).
She's not so much in a mommy phase right now as she was before but she is still very lovey. She tells me all the time that she loves me and wants to cuddle me. We've entered a very harmonious phase - somewhere in between the total disequilibrium where she is asserting her independence and the intense neediness where she wants me next to her 24/7. Man, I like the middle ground.
Kessa, on the other hand, is experiencing both at once. She goes from being an appendage to asserting herself and back multiple times a day. It's very 18-24 months, she's just doing it a little early I guess.
She is pee potty trained (with reminding) and mostly pooping in it too. The major hurdle on both is when she's having so much fun she doesn't want to interrupt playing to go potty. Pretty typical I guess, again, just early. She has even been doing a great job out in public - peeing in public restrooms and/or holding it while we're out - though I still diaper her for most outings. And she's often in dipes at home, simply b/c I need more tiny underwear.
Tuesday she got her first major booboo. And it's not that major, it just freaked me out. She fell while holding one of their plastic golf clubs and it hit her in the mouth. It cut her outside lip and pushed her lip into her tooth so that the inside got totally gashed by her tooth. When I first looked at it and saw it bleeding on both the inside and outside I thought she'd pierced through her whole lip and it totally freaked me out. Then I figured out what had happened but called the dr and they said if the outside wasn't bad she would be fine b/c the inside heals very fast. Two days later it still looks bad, but better than before, so I suppose it's healing. Scott keeps calling her a boxer.
That's all I can think of right now. Amazing how fast 3 months goes.
I've been so busy with work - preparing to (student) teach my first Lamaze class in 11 short days, and to take the test in April. And busy with the kids, who are blossoming.
Eliana just started her second session of swimming - now in the big kid class. She got so confident and capable in the previous class with Daddy, now she is way ahead of all the other kids. It is a far cry from the last time we tried the big kid class, when she did nothing but screamy crying the whole time til we gave in and got her out. I am so glad we put her in the baby class.
She's still in gymnastics, just one day a week now. Loves it and is just awesome at it. She runs circles around the other kids, if I do say so myself. She is the only one who can do seat-drops back up to standing on the trampoline, and one of two who can do a handstand with her feet up on the wall (and the other one is an older boy). She is fearless and loves going over the "high" bar and doing somersaults on the balance beam (not the real one but not the one on the ground, either... it's a few feet off the ground - of course the teacher is spotting the kids).
She's not so much in a mommy phase right now as she was before but she is still very lovey. She tells me all the time that she loves me and wants to cuddle me. We've entered a very harmonious phase - somewhere in between the total disequilibrium where she is asserting her independence and the intense neediness where she wants me next to her 24/7. Man, I like the middle ground.
Kessa, on the other hand, is experiencing both at once. She goes from being an appendage to asserting herself and back multiple times a day. It's very 18-24 months, she's just doing it a little early I guess.
She is pee potty trained (with reminding) and mostly pooping in it too. The major hurdle on both is when she's having so much fun she doesn't want to interrupt playing to go potty. Pretty typical I guess, again, just early. She has even been doing a great job out in public - peeing in public restrooms and/or holding it while we're out - though I still diaper her for most outings. And she's often in dipes at home, simply b/c I need more tiny underwear.
Tuesday she got her first major booboo. And it's not that major, it just freaked me out. She fell while holding one of their plastic golf clubs and it hit her in the mouth. It cut her outside lip and pushed her lip into her tooth so that the inside got totally gashed by her tooth. When I first looked at it and saw it bleeding on both the inside and outside I thought she'd pierced through her whole lip and it totally freaked me out. Then I figured out what had happened but called the dr and they said if the outside wasn't bad she would be fine b/c the inside heals very fast. Two days later it still looks bad, but better than before, so I suppose it's healing. Scott keeps calling her a boxer.
That's all I can think of right now. Amazing how fast 3 months goes.
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