Thursday, December 30, 2010


It's no surprise that I'm stressed out. I have three kids and an apprenticeship. This takes a lot of inner strength, to say the least, and I'm happy to say that for the most part I think I do quite well. Right now there are two areas that are cracking. (Not bad, in my opinion.)

The first is my old repetitive strain injuries are whispering at me. It's not nearly as bad as it used to be, considering I spent years in constant pain, destroying my liver with massive doses of ibuprofen. Still, it's the first time in almost 10 years that I notice pain in my wrists or hands at least once a day. So far I've only had to medicate a couple of times, and I'm confident that all the self-care skills I have now that I didn't back in high school and college will preserve these arms of mine.

The second is the danged internet. Man, I get hypersensitive about people I do not know and should not care about. I get offended reading blogs, comments on blogs, comments on news articles, comments on my comments on people's facebook pages. The simple solution is to just stop doing it, so that's my plan. If you find me a lot quieter or less opinionated in places that you've expected my web presence, you know why. I'm sure in a few weeks or months I'll have regained the perspective that allows me to not put undue stock in other people's opinions. In the meantime, while I'm too emotionally full to let my rational brain win, I'll be protecting myself by avoiding random strangers' opinions as much as possible.

And hey, less internet is better for my arms anyway...

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