Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I heart NoseFrida

I already loved the nosefrida. I thought it was well worth the $18 I paid for it, just to have a snotsucker that actually worked, as opposed to the bulb syringes, which just make D mad. And the past few weeks, it has occasionally been solely responsible for allowing D to nurse and breathe at the same time. Which is sort of necessary. But this morning, the NoseFrida became worth its weight in gold. It started like this:

Eliana: "Uh-oh. Mooooooom!"
That's never good, but I wasn't prepared for what came next.
Eliana: "Kessa put a bead up her nose!"

I ran to their room, and looked up her nose. It was so high up I could not see it. ("Are you sure it's in there? It didn't fall back out?") I felt her nose and could barely feel it right below the bridge of her nose. I ran back to D's room, grabbed the NoseFrida, and ran back. As she giggled and sniffed ("no don't suck it in further!") I applied the nosefrida and it popped right out.

Now there's a use for it I never thought about. But it just earned a permanent place in my home, even after the baby phase is over!

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