Sunday, January 11, 2009

Simple questions

As the kids and I came home and Scott answered the door, the first thing Elly said to him was, "Daddy, Daddy! Can you take us to ride bikes at the park, and can we have four babies???"

Because, you know, having another child is as simple as a day at the park.

Seriously, though, she won't let go of the idea that we should have another one, no matter how many times Scott and I tell her we're done. I say, "We always wanted three children and now we have three." Scott says, "No." (So, I suppose it really was a simple question since it had an easy answer.) And, "That would be too expensive." I've tried explaining that part too - she had told me we should have four or five and I mentioned the money aspect and she said, "OK just one more then. Four's OK, that won't cost as much as five."

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