Monday, October 25, 2010

Positive reinforcement

Donovan poops on the potty, and I think, well, he's old enough for some positive reinforcement, and I go get him a sticker. Before I get a diaper on him, he sticks it to the end of his penis.

I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking this is hilarious. And, fabulous! He's maybe putting two and two together and getting that the sticker is for achievements having to do with his nethers.

But, then he tries to pull it off, and unfortunately this is a very sticky sticker. He cries, I put him in the sink and start running water over it, he keeps crying and trying to pull it off, I keep running water over it, he stops trying to pull it off and starts batting my hand away after I think it's soaked enough to come off easily, it finally comes off, and... there goes my positive reinforcement.

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