Sunday, May 7, 2006

Kessa at 9 months

The weigh-in: 21 lbs, 29.25 inches

Language: Mama, Dada, Nana, aaaaaaa (all done, accompanied by the sign), buh or ngayngay (bang bang), hhhhuuuh (hug), tatata (clap clap) and signs milk.

Physical: Desperately trying to crawl. Crawls very efficiently backwards. Claps with open palms (has clapped hand over hand since 6.5 months). Stands supported but doesn't pull to standing or cruise. Goes from sitting to belly but not vice versa. Fine motor seems more natural for her than gross motor (a future violinist?)

Food: Still doesn't do well with baby food or liquids delivered in any non-breast fashion. Eats finger foods: "teddy puffs", avocado, banana, hard-boiled egg yolk. Doesn't like pears, and may have an apple allergy.

Potty: EC'ing is going very well. As always, she prefers to go in the potty rather than her diaper and as such she holds it as best she can. She is improving her abilities to hold it and to let go when put on the potty. She still prefers the big-girl toilet seat but is not completely rejecting the little potty anymore.

Personality: This little girl has a huge personality!!! She's constantly laughing and talking. On the flip side, the redheaded temper is emerging. She throws a good fit when a toy is taken from her (usually by me if risky rather than by sister out of jealousy, Elly is so good - so far) or when her clothes are changed, especially if she is tired. She arches her back, throws herself backwards, and gets very red in the face, with a staccato cry. But, back to the cuteness... She loves to clap appropriately to "if you're happy and you know it" and she'll often take my hands and rock back and forth til I start to sing "Row your boat" and then laughs in glee that I understood and did what she wanted. She adores Eliana, and laughs at all her antics (which makes Elly laugh, and escalates the antics). When Elly is crying because she is hurt, Kes gets a worried look on her face and looks back and forth between Elly and me, whining. However, she sees right through her... when Elly is crying because she's throwing a fit, Kes just laughs. She's at the stage where peek-a-boo is funny, especially now that she figured out that she can pull the cover off her face or mine. It's especially funny if we play while nursing - she gets this giggle like, "duh, mom, you're obviously right there, I'm latched on." Kes, like Elly, loves everyone who is family, and is very happy whenever any of her family appears in the room. So far she is altogether loving and spirited, and a wonderful person to be around.

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