Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Two and a Halfs

Today I was on the drug (well, homeopathy) aisle at Whole Foods and Elly was having behavioral difficulties, so I gave her a timeout on the floor. As she tried to scoot in the other direction on her butt without me noticing, a store employee asked me if she could help me find anything. I said, "Not unless you've got a pill for the two and a halfs." She laughed and said, "Man, I could use one of those too!"

So here's some gloriously two-and-a-half Elly, while it lasts (6 weeks to go):

"Twenty-one, twenty-three, twenty-thirteen..."

"Ohhhhh, happy Elly!!!"

"Mama, I'm Cinderella, and I'm sleepy. I'm going to go sleep in a big bed in Mama and Daddy's room with my blankie, and when I wake up, I'm going to watch a pretend Cinderella video."

"Mama, these green beans look like plants."

"Kessa wants to play with (x), and I want to play with (y)!" (y being whatever toy Kessa currently has, x being something Elly is going to substitute to try to avert a tantrum from Kes when she takes y away)

"Awwwww, that's sweeeeeet."

"You did it, Mama! That's a girl."

"Honey" is her term of endearment for, well... everybody. From Mom, Dad, and Kessa, to the girl playing next to her at the park ("Honey, what's your name?")

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