Thursday, August 2, 2007

Meep, meep, meep (the night-night song)

Last night, as I'm watching TV at my parents' house, (Marion on Diagnosis X, to be exact) Eliana pads out into the living room.

"Mommy, there's something happening in my room!"

"Oh? What's happening?"

"Something's making a sound. It's going meep meep meep meep meep."

"Oh, did it stop or is it still going?"

"It didn't stop, it's still going."

So we head back to her room, and I'm figuring I'm going to be turning off an alarm clock. But as we get into her room, I hear no electronic noises. No noises coming from inside her room at all. But then I hear it.

"Oh, honey, that's a cricket."

Elly's eyes widen and she looks around the room.

"Get in bed please. It's not in the room, it's outside your window, and when it goes meep meep meep, it's just singing you a night-night song."

"Awwwwww. That's so nice."

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